Faculty Application
If your life experiences and training has prepared you to teach students in the field of Mission Aviation and through study and prayer have felt the Lord calling you to this ministry, we would be honored to meet with you and discuss the possibilities further. Please complete a Faculty Application by clicking this text.

Pilot Record Form
For safety, regulatory, and insurance purposes, we are required to maintain accurate and current records of flight experience for all our flight instructors. A form may be download by clicking on this text.

Statement of Faith
The College of Missionary Aviation is a Christian ministry and is dedicated first to serving our Lord, Jesus Christ. While it is impossible to fully define the Christian walk with short list of statements, our Statement of Faith is a list of principles that we, as a minimum, commit to both in our lives and in this ministry.

College Community Covenant
Organizations exist in community and the College of Missionary Aviation is no exception. As such, we seek to ensure that our community is a God honoring one. Therefore, individuals that make up our community, as outlined in this document, are expected to abide by the terms in this covenant.